There is no government licensing for travel agents in New Zealand. The Travel Agents’ Association of New Zealand (TAANZ) is a self – regulating trade organisation representing the travel agent, travel broker and tour operator distribution system in New Zealand. TAANZ and its members promote the use of an Accredited Travel Advisor; quality standards, ethical business practices, safe travel, unbiased options and professionalism.

TAANZ works with its members to promote a Code of Ethics and Practice, and to stimulate, encourage and promote the desire to travel. We also work with ServiceIQ to train staff in the skills required for the 21st century – customer relations, selling skills, ecommerce, new technology, the law and the travel industry.

All members must meet strict membership and financial criteria and be subject to at least two financial reviews each year by the TAANZ Bonding Authority. All members participate in the TAANZ Bonding Scheme for the protection of the consumer.

Sale and distribution of travel products is a dynamic marketplace and continues to change to meet the needs of the travelling public. Most TAANZ members are aligned to brands and groups including First Travel Group, Helloworld, House of Travel, World Travellers and You Travel and typically operate from a commercial business premise that customers can visit. Many TAANZ members also utilise the services of travel brokers to reach their customers. Travel brokers operate from home offices and within their local communities offering travel agency services supported by the TAANZ member they are contracted to. Travel brokers must be registered with TAANZ and approved by TAANZ to sell travel on behalf of the TAANZ member agent. Travel Brokers are not TAANZ members themselves but operate to a set of guidelines maintained by their host agent to ensure travellers peace of mind particularly in respect of the handling of customer funds.

TAANZ members enjoy many benefits by being part of the preferred New Zealand trade association

Value  Benefit
Professionalism and Standards As a TAANZ member you actively engage in training, standards, qualifications and maintain a high level of professionalism. Your TAANZ accreditation is an important industry standard that non TAANZ members do not meet.
Media Through our regular TAANZ Talk messaging, in trade and mainstream media, we’ll have information and opinions on the trade that you need to know. We also provide you information on the value of your membership in FAQs that will help customers and your staff understand the TAANZ proposition.
Tool kit Travel is not a licensed industry. TAANZ provides its members with its tool kit to help you with the law, the consumer, your membership and your business.
Traveller Awareness We’re promoting the use of the travel agent and working with your groups in co-operative advertising to make sure the travelling public understands the value and difference of the TAANZ travel agent.
Financial Services We provide 4 different options for your IATA bonding requirements and through our bonding authority assist you to keep your business financially in check.
Advocacy Locally and globally TAANZ is in your corner working for you ensuring you a fair go with the airlines, IATA, the banks, competition and other regulatory matters.
Mediation If you end up in a tangle with a customer we can help support you through that with advice on our code of ethics and the law.
Events We host our agency summit and AGM each year where our members have the opportunity to be informed on matters topical to the industry in a social setting.
Recognition and Reward TAANZ hosts the National Travel Industry Awards each year. Whether a sponsor, an entrant, or a guest, these awards recognise excellence across our diverse industry. Winners proudly display this unique selling point in their marketing to travellers.
At Your Service TAANZ provides a range of membership services that will vary in need from agent to agent. We will regularly ask your opinion in survey, at your brand meetings, through committees and at your conferences. We’re here to help. Let us know what you need and what you’re thinking.

TAANZ Annual Report 2024

TAANZ Constitution and Rules

TAANZ Code of Ethics & Practice

TAANZ Membership terminations



It’s never been a better time than now to focus on domestic tourism. TAANZ is partnering with Tourism NZ to give you an opportunity to brush up on your domestic selling skills and help your customers explore our backyard.

To discover all the tools and resources you need to sell a backyard holiday to your clients visit Tourism New Zealand’s resource hub for travel agents. Here you’ll find regional information, itinerary inspiration and a partner toolkit to help with your client marketing.


You’ll also find the 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist Programme, becoming a certified 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist will enable you to gain expert knowledge on how to sell our backyard to your clients. You will be awarded with a certificate and access to 100% Pure New Zealand Specialist logos.


If you are a business looking for insights, learning and information about Tourism New Zealand’s work in the domestic market, please visit their corporate website



The TAANZ Board of Directors

PRESIDENT –  Mr Brent Thomas

Commercial Director – House of Travel Holdings Ltd

DIRECTOR – Jackie Bell

Helloworld Travel Limited

DIRECTOR – Mr John Willson, MNZITT

First Travel Group Ltd

DIRECTOR – Mr Jason Buckley

Director Inspire 2 Travel Ltd

DIRECTOR – Andrew Bowman

Director NZ Travel Brokers

DIRECTOR – Victoria Courtney

Managing Director NZ    Flight Centre Travel Group Ltd






Founded: 1962
Full Members – 303
Additional Branch Locations – 80
Total – 383
Allied Members – 72
Number of selling staff employed by TAANZ full members & branch locations – 2,133
Number of Approved Travel Brokers employed by TAANZ full members – 564
Value of travel business written by TAANZ full members – $2.69 billion (Dec12-Oct13)


Travel Agents’ Association of New Zealand

c/o Level 2, Inspire House, 125 Featherston Street, Wellington
PO Box 1888, Wellington 6140
Ph:        04 496 4884
Email:   info@taanz.org.nz


Julie White

Email:  julie@taanz.org.nz


Ms Christine Armstrong

Email:  christine@taanz.org.nz


Tom Leckie, ACA

c/o Level 2, Inspire House, 125 Featherston Street, Wellington
PO Box 1888, Wellington 6140
Ph:      04 473 4330
Email:   bonding@taanz.org.nz



Shelley Lancaster

DDI:     04 496 4891
Email:  shelley@tianz.org.nz


Grant Thornton

Level 15, Grant Thornton House
215 Lambton Quay
PO Box 10712, Wellington 6143
Ph:      04 474 8500


ANZ Bank New Zealand Ltd